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What fire prevention facilities are there?

Brandpreventie; het heeft als ultieme doel vermijden dat er ooit brand uitbreekt. En wanneer het tóch zou gebeuren, de schade beperkt blijft. De vooraf genomen maatregelen moeten hier voor zorgen. Maar welke brandpreventie voorzieningen zijn er allemaal? En welke voorziening past het best bij jouw situatie? De meest voorkomende voorzieningen Voorbeelden van de meest voorkomende […]

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What is thermal runaway?

Thermal runaway is a process in which the temperature in the battery becomes so high that the conditions change, resulting in even higher temperatures. Consequences are the release of (hazardous) gases, often a very fierce blaze, projections of electrolytes and metal parts. How does thermal runaway occur? Thermal runaway can be caused by various factors. […]

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The requirements of insurers regarding to fire safety

Insurers; they apply different requirements regarding fire safety at companies. These requirements can vary depending on the nature of the business, its size, location and many more factors. In general, insurers strive to minimize the risk of fire and any resulting damage. But what exactly are these requirements? There are many requirements, so we have […]

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3 reasons why you need a chargebox

It is becoming more and more common: battery fires. This is related to the crucial role that Lithium-Ion batteries play in our society. These batteries are becoming increasingly popular due to their high energy density, long lifespan and low weight. Lithium-Ion batteries are now found in almost all electronic devices. This includes laptops and telephones, […]

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Lithium batteries in the workplace: this is how you minimize the risks ​

Lithium batteries are in almost all electronic devices and have advantages and disadvantages. Find out more about it: from the regulations of these specific batteries to how to minimize the risks in your workplace. You can read it now in our blog! This way you minimize the risks

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The day of safety at work

Today is World Day for Safety at Work. With this day, the International Labor Organization wants to draw attention to the prevention of occupational accidents at an international level. According to Statistics Netherlands, there were almost 200 thousand occupational accidents in the Netherlands in 2021. That is why a proactive approach to workplace safety is […]

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